Club Observing Night at Lagrange December 13th 7PM, Gemini Meteor Shower Peak

Gemini Meteor Shower Peak

Bring Lounge chairs, blankets, desk warm, the Observatory will be open.

Binoculars, Cameras, Telescopes Welcome
Watch Shoals Astronomy Club Facebook page for Schedule changes and weather cancellations.

LaGrange College Park Historic Site
1491 LaGrange College Road
Leighton, AL 35646


If you own cameras, binoculars or a telescope, and you enjoy getting lost under an inky black sky filled with stars, you’ve reached the right place. We’re a local group of backyard astronomers and stargazers, formed for a shared curiosity about the tiny place we occupy in this magnificent universe, and the amazing views this hobby provides.

Club meetings are generally held on the last Friday of each month at the UNA Planetarium and Observatory in Florence, and at LaGrange College Historic Site in March and September.  The public is always welcome to our meetings.

If weather permits, we also set up telescopes during First Fridays Florence — sometimes at the corner of Tennessee and Seminary, and others at Court and Mobile.

If you have questions, please contact us via email (shoalsastro –at —, or visit our Facebook pageClear skies!

Amateur Astronomy for the Tennessee Valley

Photo by Scott Aldridge
Amateur Astronomy for the Tennessee Valley
Amateur Astronomy for the Tennessee Valley
Amateur Astronomy for the Tennessee Valley
Amateur Astronomy for the Tennessee Valley
Amateur Astronomy for the Tennessee Valley
First Light Lagrange telescope dedication 20 percent
Photo by Scott Aldridge Amateur Astronomy for the Tennessee Valley Amateur Astronomy for the Tennessee Valley Amateur Astronomy for the Tennessee Valley Amateur Astronomy for the Tennessee Valley Amateur Astronomy for the Tennessee Valley il_794xN.2346823311_4gxf 275284142_10220717850513123_7024261569252594872_n 293865_354437354629911_2041302807_n First Light Lagrange telescope dedication 20 percent DSC00018 435055661_10224663223744988_5464252420236680374_n

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